Pest-management audit in the safety management system



audit, pest-management, safety management systems, documentation, standards, certification


Background. According to the Law of Ukraine "On Basic Principles and Requirements for the Safety and Quality of Food Products", it is foreseen that the development, implementation and application of permanent procedures based on food products safety management system principles (HACCP) is mandatory for all food chain companies. The prerequisite programs part is related with the pest management usage, which can be defined as organized pest prevention activities, identification of their availability and type, measures to combat them. Audits of this activity should be carried out to establish the verification, control and improvement procedures.
The aim is the data on regulatory requirements and the specifics of conducting food safety management systems internal and external audits detailed analysis and systematization, in particular in the pest management context.
Material and methodsAs a methodological basis, DSTU ISO 22000: 2007 "Food safety management systems, requirements for any organization in the food chain" and DSTU ISO 19011:2012 "Guidelines for auditing management systems" materials, methods of scientific knowledge, analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, induction and deduction, methodological approaches systematization were used in the global and domestic practice.
Results. For the establishing of the compliance with established norms degree, organizations activities improvement the audits are conducted. The main normative document, which applies for this activity, is the standard DSTU ISO 19011:2012 "Guidelines for auditing management systems".
The pest management activities effectiveness audit should enable the activity in the 3 basic stages (prevention, monitoring and evaluation, intervention) provision and control effectiveness analysis.
The pest-management audit is conducted basing on following documents types: the scorecards of the measures personnel health program (in front of the work area) effectiveness and frequency, facilities, equipment, inventory organization (dry and wet cleaning, disinfectant cleaning), waste collection and disposal (including production), using ultraviolet, glue and pheromone traps to capture territory pests (rodents), used mosquito nets frequency of cleaning and replacement, staff conduct rules (it is prohibited to carry the personal things, including to the work area), zoning instructions (to minimize unwanted contacts), regulating the number and capacity of insecticidal lamps, numbering order of their records and work checks.
Conclusion. Basing on the analysis of the requirements, settled in the international standards DSTU ISO 22000:2007 and DSTU ISO 19011: 2012, the main principles, stages and specifics of food safety management systems internal and external audits conducting were defined, in particular in the part of pest management. The main documents, basing on which pest management audit is carried out, are the protocols of sanitary programs frequency results, collection and disposal of waste special means, usage and inspections of its work, pest catching, personnel rules, zoning instructions.

Author Biographies

Dmytro ANTIUSHKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professorat
the Department of Commodity Studies, Safety and Quality Management

Yuriy PAVLIUCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professorat
the Department of Commodity Studies, Safety and Quality Management


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How to Cite

ANTIUSHKO Д. and PAVLIUCHENKO Ю. 2018. Pest-management audit in the safety management system. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 28, 4 (Dec. 2018), 57–64.




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