Coffee drink with low glycemic index




coffee drink, isomaltitol, maltitol, glycemic index


Background. In order to solve the problem of obesity in the country, it is advisable to introduce into production food products not only with a reduced index of energy value, but also glycemic index.
The aim of the study was to study the effect of maltitol and isomaltitol on the qua­lity of the finished beverage and its glycemic index and energy value.
Materials and methods. The object of the study is coffee drinks with sugar (control), maltitol and isomaltitol. The determination of organoleptic, physicochemical quality indi­cators, structural and mechanical properties of the finished drink was carried out by gene­rally accepted methods, glycemic index and energy value  by calculation.
Results. The developed beverages have been determined to have better structural and mechanical properties, as the values of surface tension are lower and the kinematic viscosity is higher compared to beverages made with sugar. The article presents a com­parative assessment of the index of energy value and glycemic index of developed drinks and made according to the classical recipe. It was found that beverages with the addition of maltitol and isomaltitol have 2 times lower energy value and 2.0–2.5 times –less gly­cemic index, respectively, than a drink with the addition of sugar.
Conclusion. The use of isomaltitol and maltitol polyols in coffee beverage techno­logy is promising because they do not impair the quality of the dry mix and finished beverages, and their organoleptic and structural-mechanical properties are improved by reducing surface tension and increasing kinematic viscosity. Reducing the energy value and glycemic index of coffee drinks makes it possible to confirm that the proposed coffee drinks are dietary and can be recommended for people who are monitoring their weight.

Author Biographies

Kateryna RUBANKA, National University of Food Technologies

Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer at the Department of Canning Technology

Vita TERLETSKA, National University of Food Technologies

Ph.D. of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Bakery and Confectionery Technology


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How to Cite

RUBANKA К. and TERLETSKA В. 2020. Coffee drink with low glycemic index. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 34, 2 (Jun. 2020), 119–127. DOI:

