Self-regulation of economic activity in the practice of international organizations



self-regulation of economic activity, the practice of self-regulation, classification of self-regulation of economic activity, regulatory and organizational self-regulation of economic activity, international organizations, global and regional level


Background. Ukraine continues the search for its model of self-regulation of economic activities, including standard of collating of self-regulatory organizations. At the same time there is possibility to form their own model, taking into account certain developments and standards of international organizations and institutions.
Analysis of recent researches and publications. We studied various aspects of the means of self-regulation, their features and problems of legal regulation, practice and application models in different countries.
The purpose of this article is to clarify the legal position of international organizations regarding the self-regulation of economic activity.
Materials and methods. The general scientific and special methods of research of legal phenomena, including dialectical, formal logical, comparative legal and generalization were applied. Information base of the study was the Recommendation of the United Nations, Declaration of the Council of Europe, Recommendation of the Council of Europe, European Union Directives and the scientific works of Ukrainian scientists.
The results of the study. Self-regulation is recognized as a powerful tool to ensure confidence in e-business. States members of the United Nations are encouraged to promote and facilitate the development of national and international schemes aimed at ensuring the recognition of self-regulatory instruments. The usefulness of self-regulation also applies to combat various types of crimes. Important instructions regarding the self-regulation are included in the Interagency agreement 2003/C 321/01 of the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union on the improvement of lawmaking in 2003.
Conclusion. At the global and regional levels in the activities of international organizations and institutions it is quite naturally take into account the importance and usefulness of self-regulation of economic activity, to study the practice of self-regulation, which are based on trust between stakeholders and open dialogue with interested organizations, institutions; adequate monitoring and responsibility of subjects of self-regulation. On a global scale the search for effective models (scheme) of self-regulation continues, which would become the model for all countries in the world.

Author Biography

Olena HONCHARENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, associate Professor of Department of International private, commercial and civil law


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How to Cite

HONCHARENKO О. (2016). Self-regulation of economic activity in the practice of international organizations. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 89(6), 32–41. etrieved from

