Organizational and legal forms of self-regulatory organizations
self-regulated organizations, self-regulation, non-entrepreneurial organizations, economic activity and economic association.Abstract
Background. The issues of self-regulatory organizations are becoming more and more relevant. However, repeated attempts to submit bills in this area did not lead to a positive outcome. One of the reasons is the lack of research on issues of self-regulation of economic activity in Ukraine. Such a state of legal regulation hinders the direction of deregulation of the economy.
Analysis of recent research and publications. A separate study requires the problematic aspects of the organizational and legal form of self-regulatory organizations.
The aim of the article is to analyze the theoretical principles of differentiation of self-regulating organizations in economic activity.
Materials and methods. The article uses general scientific and special methods of knowledge of legal phenomena. Methods applied in the work: dialectic, systematic approach, analysis and synthesis, formal-logical, system-functional, generalization. The information base of the study is the Constitution of Ukraine, current laws of Ukraine, draft laws on self-regulatory organizations.
Results. The peculiarity of the functioning of the SRO should be distinguished from the general understanding of other non-profit organizations. The collisions and gaps in legislation on legal regulation are emphasized. For entities that do not envisage the creation of a self-regulatory organization, the non-statutory organizations (that is, organizations that are not officially granted by the status of a self-regulatory organization and are not registered as such) remain a possible option for regulating the issues of the industry’s activity.
A similar situation is with the most economic associations. Since, according to the law, they cannot be officially registered as self-regulatory organizations, and market demandsrequire action in common and develop their own rules and self-defense and representation.
Conclusion. Economic relations are developing, transforming, accents are changingand therefore, it seems quite reasonable to consider the exclusion of the Institute of «economic association»from the Economic Code. The activities of some registered economicassociations may be transformed into the functioning of self-regulatory organizations. At the same time, in the name of any self-regulating organization one can leave the definition of «association»at the request of the subject of economic activity.
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