Paper recycling: factors of influence




recycling, waste paper, factors


In an environment of climate change economy, paper recycling is an example of sustainable production in the context of policies adopted and the solutions sought in this area. This raises the current question of the factors that determine and influence the process and our interest in research. The following groups of factors have been identified and systematized in the study: environmental; operational and economic; legal and regulatory. The impact they have on the recycling of waste paper (WP) has been identified in order to facilitate and improve the quality of the products obtained.

Author Biographies

Velichka MARINOVA, University of Economics, Varna

Assistant Professor, Department of Commodity Science

Temenuga STOYKOVA, University of Economics, Varna

Associate Professor, PhD, Department of Commodity Scinece


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How to Cite

MARINOVA, V., & STOYKOVA, T. (2020). Paper recycling: factors of influence . NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 33(1), 5–15.

