Transport logistics in a pandemic conditions
transport logistics, multimodal transportations, combined transport, interoperability, freight transportationsAbstract
Background. The world economy is undergoing significant changes due to difficult pandemic conditions and quarantine restrictions. Today, logistics companies need to adapt to the new operating conditions in order to overcome the consequences of the pandemic and be competitive in the market of Ukraine and the world.
The aim of this scientific article is to analyze the current conditions of multimodal transportation and substantiate the necessary ways to develop transport logistics during the pandemic.
Materials and methods. While writing the article the following research methods were used: the method of elementary theoretical analysis and synthesis, the method of deduction, economic and statistical methods, the method of expert evaluation, which revealed the main purpose of the article.
Results. Based on the study of the main directions of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine, the consequences of the development of transport logistics and multimodal transportation have been determined for the country’s economy. An analysis of the state of combined transport in Europe was performed and the main directions of its development were identified, which are relevant for our country. The issues of transport interoperability and its impact on transport and logistics services are considered. The development of transport logistics is directly related to the transition of the railway to a track width of 1435 mm, which will open new opportunities in international traffic and give the opportunity to reach a new level in the field of logistics.
Conclusion. The development of transport logistics requires new opportunities and ways to develop this industry. With great export potential and favorable geographical location, Ukraine should integrate into the world system of multimodal transportation by expanding container transportation, which will lead to the development of transport logistics. Today, multimodal transportation has all the necessary legislative documents and support from the state, but obstacles to their development at the international level require significant capital investment.
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