Pharmaceutical logistics under martial law




logistics, pharmaceutical industry, martial law, supply chain, pharmaceutical market, infrastructure, import dependence.


Introduction. The pharmaceutical industry developed steadily before the war and had a constant trend of increasing annual turnover. The pandemic and quarantine restrictions affected the state of logistics and, accordingly, the dynamics of the industry. 

Problem. The full-scale invasion and martial law in Ukraine caused drastic changes in the industry, which is associated with changes in supply chains due to hostilities, occupation, mass shelling, destruction of transport and warehouse infrastructure.

The aim of the scientific article is to determine the main problems of the pharmaceutical industry in the conditions of martial law and the prospects for the use of logistics tools for the recovery and development of this industry in the post-war period.

Methods. The methods of elementary-theoretical analysis and synthesis, economic-statistical methods and the method of expert evaluation were used.

Results. The main problems of the pharma­ceutical industry under martial law can be divided into 5 main groups: infrastruc­tural, logistic, financial, industrial and social. They forced the industry to adapt, which caused positive changes – this is evidenced by statistical data and sales growth forecasts. The key factors influencing the level of quality of pharmaceu­tical logistics are accurate planning of the supply chain in terms of time and costs; security both in document control and in the environmental conditions to which the product is exposed. After Ukraine approves the status of a candidate for joining the EU, the industry under study can get new opportunities on the international pharma­ceu­tical market. 

Conclusions. The pharmaceutical industry is adapting to the conditions of martial law, taking into account infrastructural, logistic, financial, production and social problems. The restoration of stability in the pharmaceutical market is due to an increase in the number of investments in logistics and own production, a change in demand for products of own produc­tion, the expansion of the sales market and the opportunity for Ukraine to become a pharma­ceutical hub for Europe.

Author Biographies

Alina NECHYPORUK, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics

Dmytro KOCHUBEI, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor at the Department of Trade Entrepreneurship and Logistics 


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How to Cite

NECHYPORUK А. and KOCHUBEI Д. 2023. Pharmaceutical logistics under martial law. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 46, 2 (Jun. 2023), 4–15. DOI:

