Dairy products market in Ukraine: opportunities and threats



market research, dairy market, dairy consumption, dairy processing enterprises, dairy production.


Background. The dairy market is a significant part of the food market and occupies a leading position in ensuring food security of Ukraine.
Many scholars and analysts investigated the main factors of the functioning of the Ukrainian dairy market, analyzed the dynamic changes and regularities of its development, namely: N. Belinska, O. Lesko, T. Mostenskaya, O. Pyankov, I. Tiukha [1–4] etc.
The aim of the paper is to analyze the main factors influencing the development of the dairy industry, identife threats and opportunities in its activities.
Material and methods. Methods of analysis and synthesis of scientific information, methods of statistical processing of information, methods of studying trends in dynamics, as well as strategic tool "Five Competitive Forces of the Market by M. Porter" were used.
Results.The current state of development of the dairy industry in Ukraine is determined. The main problems of falling milk production in Ukraine are investigated. Opportunities and threats of the development of enterprises operating in the industry by the five competitive forces by M. Porter were analyzed. The state of development of suppliers of dairy products, the level of economic availability of dairy products for the population, consumer purchasing power, the level of differentiation of dairy consumption, the elasticity coefficients of demand by income and price, the level of intra-industry competition and the main barriers to entry into the industry are analyzed. The analysis made it possible to outline the possible actions of dairy processing enterprises to prevent the identified threats.
Conclusion. Domestic market of dairy products is far from saturation and in the long term can grow three times, but subject to the improvement of the welfare of the population and growth of its purchasing power. Effective development of the dairy industry and enterprises operating in this industry is possible if the results of investigated opportunities and threats are consided.

Author Biography

Iryna FEDULOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Management Department


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How to Cite

FEDULOVA І. (2018). Dairy products market in Ukraine: opportunities and threats. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 25(1), 15–28. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/914

