IT-sphere in the structure of Ukraine’s economy




IT sphere, IT market, IT sector, IT industry, digital economy, trend, development, analysis.


Introduction. The informatization of busi­ness not only makes it possible to increase the level of income of companies, but also contri­butes to the development of society and indi­vidual countries as a whole due to the increase in the level of income and improvement of the population’s quality of life.

Problem. Thanks to the active digital trans­formation of business, Ukraine will be able to approach developed countries in terms of volu­me and pace of development. Therefore, there is a need to determine the main formation trends and justify the directions for further development of the IT sphere in Ukraine.

The aim of the article is to identify development trends, systematize the specifics of activity, genera­lize problems and outline the potential and directions of development of the IT sphere in Ukraine.

Methods. The following methods have been used in research: statistical and correlation-regression analysis, analysis and synthesis.

Results. The positive dynamics of Ukrai­nian telecommunications, computer and infor­mation services export trends have been deter­mined. There is a high, but still insufficient level of household access to the Internet. A statistical analysis of the activities of economic entities in the field of information and com­munication technologies was carried out accor­ding to their number, the number of hired and employed workers, and the volume of products sold. Analyzed: the dynamics of the volume of sold products (goods, services) per one econo­mic entity and per one thousand employed workers in the IT sphere; the dependence of the main indicators of business entities in the field of information and communication technolo­gies (ICT) and in general all business entities in Ukraine. The main features and problems are defined; the directions for developing the IT sphere in Ukraine are outlined.

Conclusions. Information technologies contribute to the revolutionary development of the economy and society thanks to rapid tech­nological progress. Today, this is an industry in which almost 400,000 specialists work and it is growing by 25–30 % annually. As a low-in­come country, Ukraine is trying to gain a foothold in the global digital economy in the face of limited resources, skills, and fragmen­ted global and regional regulations.

Author Biographies

Ivan MAKARCHUK, State University of Trade and Economics

Post-graduate student at the Department of Management

Iryna FEDULOVA, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor at the Department of Management


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How to Cite

MAKARCHUK І. and FEDULOVA І. 2023. IT-sphere in the structure of Ukraine’s economy. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 46, 2 (Jun. 2023), 30–44. DOI: