Reforming the school nutrition system in Ukraine




school nutrition, reform, healthy educational environment, healthy eating, nutrition education.


The reform of the school nutrition system gains special significance during the period of martial law in Ukraine, as it becomes a mani­festation of the stateʼs and societyʼs concern for the future generation, an important element of a safe and healthy educational environment, social protection for vulnerable segments of the population, as well as support for the psycho­logical well-being of citizens through sufficient access to healthy nutrition. The purpose of this article is to summarize the theoretical and scientific approaches and practices of state management of school nutrition reform during 2021–2024, as well as the results of a compa­rative analysis of successful global cases of school nutrition reform and the determination of strategic priorities regarding the organiza­tion of nutrition. A set of theoretical and analy­tical methods has been used to study the school nutrition reform in Ukraine over the period of 2021–2024 and to determine its development prospects for 2023–2027. It proposes the hypothesis that utilizing critical analysis tools on the implementation results of the stages of the school nutrition reform, it is possible to identify in a timely manner its key strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as well as to form strategic directions for its impro­vement. The main stages of the implementation of the school nutrition reform in Ukraine have been analysed, the regulatory, managerial, personnel, technical and technological innovations that are incorporated into the modern strategy of organizing quality, safe, and balanced nutri­tion for students of general secondary educa­tion have been highlighted. The main achievements of the reform include a fundamental shift in approaches to the organization and technology of food preparation in school canteens, as well as the introduction of new models for organi­zing school nutrition. Considerable attention is paid to the development of the human resources potential of catering units of educational insti­tutions by introducing a system of certification training, introducing new professional standards, improving working conditions, and developing methodological and information support to promote healthy eating practices. The pros­pec­tive tasks of the reform up to 2027 in Ukraine are outlined and the results of the matrix analysis of the school nutrition reform are presented. Based on the results of analysis, prospective tasks and opportunities for enhancing the implemen­tation pathways of the reform up to 2027 in Ukraine are outlined, as well as further steps in the regulatory and managerial activities of state executive bodies, local governments, and heads of educational institutions aimed at improving nutrition in educational institutions.

Author Biographies

Dariya BASYUK, University of Management of Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor of the Department of Professional and Higher Education

Dina FEDOROVA, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Food Technology), Professor, Head of the Department of Restaurant and Craft Technologies


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How to Cite

BASYUK Д. and FEDOROVA Д. 2024. Reforming the school nutrition system in Ukraine. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 52, 4 (Dec. 2024), 49–72. DOI:

