Mineral structure of concentrates soups-purees for military



diet of military men, protein and vegetable raw materials, dry concentrates of puree-soups, mineral elements


The issue of providing a full and balanced diet for military is extremely important for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Violation of adaptive processes to the conditions of military service is one of the most common causes of youth’ weight deficiency, efficiency reduction and overall morbidity increasing, which negatively effects the combat personnel capability. The necessity of the designing and scientific reasoning of effective measures, aimed at providing the Armed Forces of Ukraine diet with all necessary food components for optimal body functioning, determines the relevance of the study.
The need for high-quality products suitable for use in "dry rations" for soldiers, convenient for transportation and consumption is determined. The feasibility of scientifically substantiated by the mineral composition military’s dry concentrate soups designing is established
By the author’s research results the compositions of dry concentrate soups with specified criteria of alimentary and biological values based on protein and vegetable raw materials are scientifically substantiated and designed: grounded dried vegetables (beets, tomatoes, pumpkin, carrots, parsley root) , grains and legumes and products of "ECO" micronization (pea flour, beans flour, soy flour, lentils flour), sprouted wheat, soybean oil, dried kelp, protein and fat supplement "Super", and skimmed milk.
The content of mineral elements in designed dry concentration soups for the military is defined on a portable analyzer energodispersive roentgen ElvaXmed. It has been estimated that the content of certain mineral elements in the experimental samples exceeds the prototype due to the content increase of vegetable raw materials, protein and fat "Super" supplements and skimmed milk. The introduction of kelp to the studied samples allows to increase the dry concentrate soup’s biological value in comparison with prototypes due to iodine increasing in the "Beet" soup to 89.7 % and in "Pumpkin" soup and "Tomato" soup by 2.2 and 2.3 times accordingly. Through the kelp using the total selenium content in studied samples increased by 2.7–3.2 times and the iron content by 2.2–3.7 times accordingly.
It has been established that the developed soups consumption according to recommended nutritional standards for military provides 10–27 % of daily requirements in the most essential minerals, which enables the inclusion of such products to functional products.

Author Biographies

Dina FЕDOROVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, assistance lecture

Olena KOZACHISHENA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

assistance lecturer


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How to Cite

FЕDOROVA Д. and KOZACHISHENA О. 2014. Mineral structure of concentrates soups-purees for military. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 14, 2 (Dec. 2014), 165–172.

