The electroactivated water in human nutrition


  • Mykhailo PERESICHNYI Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Dina FЕDOROVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


quality, drinking water, electroactivated water, lack of electrons, free radical compounds, redox potential, resonance miсroсlasters, miсroсlaster structure, electrochemical activation, fractal and optical anisotropy of quality structure


Background. According to the World Health Organization, most health problems to some extent are related to the quality of drinking water. Drinking water consumed by the population of Ukraine does not always meet the safety performance, and nutritive value. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the categories of drinking water quality and characteristics of the main parameters determining it.
Material and methods. Through theoretical generalization the results of modern research on the quality of drinking water from different sources in Ukraine were systematized. Based on the system analysis the characteristics of the main parameters that determine the quality of drinking water were identified. The value of the oxidation-reduction potential of samples of drinking water and beverages studied by potentiometry GOST 26781-85 on millivoltmeters HANNA pH 150.
Results. It is established that the consumption of drinking water from both the centralized water supply system, as well as from alternative sources – artesian wells and packed, is not guaranteed to be safe, and prolonged use can lead to negative consequences for human health. In this regard, the appropriateness of application in human nutrition drinking water of the highest quality, which in addition to standard indicators of safety, comply with the new hydro-biological indicators of quality: it has reduced to a physiological significance level of oxidation-reduction potential (–50 to –100 mV), certain indicators of structured and energy distribution phase, physiologically complete mineral composition. The results of experimental studies set ORP of water from different sources.
Conclusion. The systematization of the results of modern scientific research of quality of drinking water from different sources in Ukraine was held. The characteristics of the main indicators of water high quality were defined. Method of producing high quality drinking water and food products on the basis of flow-through electrochemical modular reactors was defined as a promising one. This will ensure the regulated water needs of individual households and restaurants. Prospects of further researches is development of technologies of culinary production and beverages on the basis of electroactivated water, confirmation of documentation and conduct of medical-biological researches.

Author Biographies

Mykhailo PERESICHNYI, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of technical sciences, professor

Dina FЕDOROVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, associate professor


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How to Cite

PERESICHNYI М. and FЕDOROVA Д. 2013. The electroactivated water in human nutrition. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 15, 1 (May 2013), 70–86.

