Оrganoleptic properties of blended quick-frozen juices with pulp



quick frozen juice with pulp, juice of the direct extraction, hydrocolloids, xantan gum, guar gum, viscosity, organoleptic properties, complex quality index


In Ukraine consumer interest to products which don’t need any food additives especially of unnatural origin is increasing. Such products include juices with pulp, which have taste and odor inherent to feedstock. These juices can quench thirst, contain sufficient amount of easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other vital for human body micronutrients.
Based on statistic data in 2011 consumption of juices in Ukraine was 11 liters per one person. In European countries this index is 20–31 and in the USA and Canada – 52 liters per one person per year. This depends on low purchasing power of domestic consumers and increasing of product prices. Such products are produced of imported concentrated juice in Ukraine. In the production structure a share of reconstituted juices is 80 %.
At the same time Ukraine is fourth in gathering apples in Europe, which are main raw material for production of blended juices. This indicates that raw material base is sufficient to produce such volume of products as demanded. Processing of local fruits and vegetables makes it possible to produce blended juices cheaper, to widen assortment and to increase their biological value.
The main purpose is formation of organoleptic properties of blended quick frozen juices with pulp which can be consumed as frozen (as ice) and after unfreezing.
Based on the research of organoleptic properties of the juice before and after freezing and also after unfreezing and identifying dependence between complex quality index of apple, carrot and celery product composition was developed. It was proved that top organoleptic properties of the juice are with juices proportion: apple — 60–70, carrot — 20–25, celery — 5–10 %.
In fact the frozen juice with pulp has a separation of a suspension. That’s why frozen product has a clear distinction between transparent and turbid parts. It was offered to use natural hydrocolloids in order to stabilize the juice pulp. Guar and xanthan gum is commonly used in the food industry as thickeners and stabilizers of consistence.
In order to define the amount of hydrocolloids which would ensure a stability of the suspension, and contribute to better preservation of organoleptic properties the juice viscosity was researched.
The gum effect on a change of the product viscosity and its organoleptic properties were defined. Adding 0.1 % guar and xanthan gum to blended apple-carrot-celery pulp juice with ingredients proportion 65, 25 and 10 % respectively provides optimal organoleptic properties of the frozen juice. Its can be consumed as frozen as well as thawed.

Author Biographies

Svitlana BELІNSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of technical sciences, professor

Olexandr DYAKOV, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Roman ROMANENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, assistance lecturer


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How to Cite

BELІNSKA С., DYAKOV О., & ROMANENKO Р. (2012). Оrganoleptic properties of blended quick-frozen juices with pulp. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 14(2), 154–164. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/1447

