The technologies of puddings for preschool children nutrition


  • Anna SOBKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Svitlana PERISICHNAYA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


uddings, mixtires, meal, pre-school children


Issue of saturation of Ukrainian market with functional products for regular consumption within nutrition ration for preschool children is very relevant nowadays. Functional products increase resistance and adaptability of the body of the child to the environment, improve the digestive system, facilitate formation and strengthen bone and muscle system due to functional ingredients of natural origin.
Object of research is technology of puddings for nutrition of preschool children.
Subject of the study is dietary supplements: flax seeds (UA/5978/01/01), pumpkin seeds (TU 15.3-37474520-001:20011), flax seed meal (TU 15.8-32062796-003–2008), pumpkin seed meal (TU 15.8-32062796-003–2008), wheat germs (TU 15.8-32062796-003:2008), food-composition with dietary supplements, puddings Lasunka, Sonechko, Zerniatko.
While modeling food–compositions for pudding the following points have been taken into accout: interaction and synergism of essential nutrients; research of physico-chemical properties of seeds and meal of flax and pumpkins, wheat germs, sesame seeds, influence of raw cocomponents on structural and mechanical properties of puddings, necessity of eliminating fats containing saturated fatty acids.
According to the chemical, physic and organoleptic properties composite mixture is developed that allows to optimize technology of puddings – namely, shortening of technologic operations.
The technology of puddings Lasunka, Sonechko, Zerniatko has been developed according to the requierments.
The rational amount of new products in technology of puddings of is estimated:
- Replacement for the Lasunka 100 % semolina into mixture with flax seed meal and cocoa powder (90 : 10 %), 100 % wheat crackers - the sesame seeds, 100 % butter – for sunflower oil. It has been estimated that the ratio of flax seeds and walnuts 50 : 50 provides the highest organoleptic evaluation and improves the chemical composition of the dish;
- For Sonechko, mix of flax and pumpkin was used in the ratio of 50 : 50, replacing wheat crackers with a mixture of sesame and pumpkin seeds in the ratio 50 : 50;
- For Zerniatko input of the mixture of flax seed meal and meal of wheat germ in the ratio 50 : 50 is recommended.
Consumption of puddings with seeds of flax, pumpkin, wheat germ and other raw materials of plant origin supply 16.5–53.3 % of the daily intake of essential nutrients (zinc, selenium, pyridoxine, folatsyni etc.). So developed products can be used as functional products for preschool children.
Social effect of the implementation of new technologies of pudding can lead to optimization of the preschool children diet.

Author Biographies

Anna SOBKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

senior lecturer

Svitlana PERISICHNAYA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

candidate of technical sciences, assistance lecturer


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How to Cite

SOBKO А., & PERISICHNAYA С. (2012). The technologies of puddings for preschool children nutrition. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 14(2), 98–106. etrieved from

