Effect of enzyme on the proteolytic processes in dry-cured meat products


  • Svitlana DANYLENKO Food Resources Institute of The National Agricultural Science Academy of Ukraine


water activity, water-holding capacity, raw meat, proteolysis, рrotosubtilin


Background. Application of enzyme preparations in meat processing allows to considerably speed up the series of biochemical reactions and opens the interesting prospects for the modification and intensification of processes, accelerating mitigation and increasing the tenderness of tissues.
Material and methods. Research objects – enzyme protosubtylin, control samples – dorsal muscle of pork (sample N 1) and beef (sample N 2), soaked in brine at 5–8 ° C with salt pans (3.8 %), glucose (2 %) and sodium nitrite (0.02 %). Brine included protosubtylin (0.01 % by weight of raw material: for pork – like sample N 3 for beef – like sample N 4). Prepared brine was injected with needle syringe in an amount of 20 % by weight of pork, and 30 % – by weight of beef kept in brine 48 hours at a temperature of 8–10 C, fermentation was completed within ten days.
The total nitrogen and nonprotein nitrogen-containing compounds were defined by the Kjeldahl method [8], the moisture content – by drying, active acidity (pH) – potentiometrically; moisturekeeping ability – by pressing [10], the amino acid composition – by the analyzer LC-2000 (Biotronik); aw – by device AquaLab Series 3TE (USA), structural and mechanical study – by test machine SANS Series SMT CMT2503 (Shenzhen SANS Testing Co. Ltd.) with a conductor Warner-Blatzler [12].
Results. Application of enzyme activates the cleavage of proteins in muscle tissue, increases the pool of free amino acids that form a specific meat taste, namely: glutaminic acid, lysine, phenylalanine, alanine, isoleucine, methionine, threonine and serine, including those responsible for taste-aromatic bouquet of finished products, and promotes its soft and plastic consistency.
Conclusion. We found that the addition to the raw meat enzyme preparation stimulated the reduction of the mass fraction of moisture and аw in the finished products, which gives grounds for assigning them to a group of long storage products, for which the water activity is less than 0.91.

Author Biography

Svitlana DANYLENKO, Food Resources Institute of The National Agricultural Science Academy of Ukraine

candidate of technical sciences, senior scientific researcher


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How to Cite

DANYLENKO С. (2013). Effect of enzyme on the proteolytic processes in dry-cured meat products. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 16(2), 107–114. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/1378

