Forecasting quality of structure forming substances based on secondary raw material of silver carp


  • Victor GUTS National University of Food Technology
  • Anastasja IVANYUTA National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Olena SYDORENKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


structure forming substances, forecasting, quality, storage life, kinetic theory of modeling


Background. Long-term storage of products is accompanied by loss of quality and quantity, reduced nutritional value, change in the organoleptic properties. It is important to predict changes in the quality of products in order to establish a guaranteed shelf life.
Effective is the use of the kinetic theory of modeling that takes into account critical parameters of optimization that are combined into a system that most fully describes the state changes and product quality.
The aim of the research is to predict changes in quality of structure forming substances based on silver carp secondary raw fish materials.
Material and methods. Objects of the research are structure forming substances based on silver carp secondary raw fish materials. Head, bones and fins were used for the production. Ratio of raw materials and water is 1 : 1.5, the heat treatment time is 2.5 hours with a temperature of 85–100 °C. Dry powder with Seaweed Cystoseira Black Sea was added to one of the samples. The fish broth was filtered and subjected to freeze drying.
Packed food gelatin T-7 made by Lysychanskyi gelatinous factory was selected as a control specimen.
Quality change modeling and shelf life prediction of structure forming substances were done by method of V. S. Guts and O. A. Koval [3; 4], using a computer program Maple.
To predict the quality of structure forming substances during storage in jelly the following points were defined: strength – by setting maximum load required to fracture surfaces of jelly [6]; melting point – setting the temperature at which jelly becomes liquid [6]; transparency – by own patented method with universal computer device [7]; dynamic viscosity – with the viscometer Stabinger SVM 3000 [8]; a dissolution time – according to GOST 25183.3-82 [6].
Results. Patterns of change of structure forming substances based on secondary raw fish were identified, the most important values of local parameters were calculated. A graph of the structure forming substances depending on the duration of storage was developed based on the results. Using computer software Maple, the changes in the structure forming substances quality indicators at every stage of storage to the optimal values are shown. The studies allowed set time intervals, which revealed some changes in the quality and determined the speed of the processes taking place in the structure forming substances during storage.
Conclusion. Thus, we have proved scientifically duration of shelf life of structure forming substances based on raw material of silver carp by the kinetic theory of quality modeling. Guaranteed shelf life of structure forming substances with temperature of 22 ± 2 °C is 12 months from manufacturing date.

Author Biographies

Victor GUTS, National University of Food Technology

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Anastasja IVANYUTA, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistance Lecturer

Olena SYDORENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

GUTS В., IVANYUTA А., & SYDORENKO О. (2014). Forecasting quality of structure forming substances based on secondary raw material of silver carp. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 18(2), 141–147. etrieved from

