Sensory analysis of herbal teas with rose hips


  • Diana KUNDIUS Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


sensory analysis, herbal tea, fruit tea, organoleptic evaluation, rose hips, profiling


Background. Herbal teas have become a traditional product for consumers who like a drink with extraordinary taste, medicinal properties and simple cooking. Sensory analysis plays an important role in the system of quality control of herbal teas. The results of the organoleptic evaluation are often the final and decisive in determining product quality. There are virtually no research results in the chemical composition of herbal teas and their organoleptic properties in the scientific literature. That is why conducting sensory evaluation of teas is relevant and defines the aim of the work.
Material and methods. The objects of research were 2 samples of herbal teas with rose hips of Ukrainian production, and 7 of foreign production. Methods of 5 point estimation and profiling method were used in the work.
Results. Analysis of the organoleptic properties of herbal teas by the method of point estimation and profiling allowed us to establish the best brands: Carpathian tea, Herba, Milford. The category of "good" include TM Flozana, Express arbata, Besida. Sample of TM Domashnii chai received an average rating "satisfactory", but it can be attributed only to the category of "unsatisfactory" because the taste of tea is estimated at 2.2 points because of empty, barely perceptible taste and unpleasant aftertaste. A similar conclusion is made on herbal tea sample TM Java Princess.
The method of profiling identified an additional aromatic taste of herbal tea, the intensity of which, as well as the presence of negative characteristics, obtained an objective evaluation of the samples.
The changes of organoleptic properties of herbal teas after 6 and 12 months storage have been identified.
Conclusion. Herbal tea TM Carpathian tea was defined as top one by organoleptic evaluation, herbal teas TM Herba and Milford have a good quality, TM Domashnii chai – low.
The process of storing tea effects to some extent the organoleptic properties of the herbal teas with rose hips, but within the specified time storage tea has pleasant taste, smell, und bright color. Therefore, the tea on the organoleptic properties satisfy the need of the user during the whole storage time specified by the manufacturers.

Author Biography

Diana KUNDIUS, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

KUNDIUS Д. (2014). Sensory analysis of herbal teas with rose hips. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 18(2), 116–123. etrieved from

