Physiological efficiency of products for enteral nutrition



physiological efficiency, products for enteral nutrition, nutrients, needs, protein, clinical application


Background. Full nutrition is the basis of the life of the human body and determines the ability to tolerate physical and psycho-emotional stress. In the period when the natural way of replenishing the progressive deficiency of the main nutrients is eliminated or is limited, special attention in the complex of therapeutic measures becomes enteral nutrition. The basis of the creation of modern foods for enteral nutrition is the theory of balanced nutrition based on the physiological needs of nutrients and the energy of a healthy person, but taking into account the peculiarities of the clinical course, the stage of the disease, the level and nature of metabolic disorders.
The aim of the work is to conduct research on the determination of the physiological efficiency of products for enteral nutrition, taking into account the specific needs of the human body.
Material and methods. 4 dry mixes for enteral feeding of the Vital prod series have been selected as the subjects of the study. The research was conducted in conditions of the clinical bases of the Ukrainian Military Medical Academy. Biochemical methods have been used to determine the protein content and the concentration of urea in the blood; blood glucose content. The assessment of the effect of products on the correction of the state of patients is carried out on the indicators of their general state of health, that is, the physical and psycho-emotional state.
Results. The analysis of the results suggests that in patients who in addition to the main diet consumed the developed products, namely: Vital prod-Combi (for patients with critical conditions), Vital prod-Diabet (for people with impaired glucose tolerance), Vital prod-Renal (for patients with renal insufficiency), Vital prod-Forte (for patients with cancer) the following effects have been observed: three times faster the normalization of the level of protein in the blood, there was a more pronounced improvement of physical and psycho-emotional states, as well as reduction of treatment terms after discharge from the hospital, than in patients of the control group.
The developed products may be recommended for consumption in the treatment and rehabilitation of patients in accordance with the specifics of the disease, with a reduced level of total protein in the blood for the normalization of metabolic processes by providing exogenous delivery of protein that is easily absorbed by the body and improving the psycho-emotional state.
Conclusion. Medical-biological researches have proved the physiological efficiencyof products for enteral nutrition, developed taking into account the needs and preferences of the target category of consumers. The obtained results confirm the possibility of using products in the formation of dietary rations of persons in medical, rehabilitation and health institutions. It is promising to create an assortment and study of the consumer properties of food products for enteral nutrition in different commodity forms in order to ensure their multi-purpose use.

Author Biographies

Natalia PRYTULSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Technical), Professor, First Vice rector on scientific and pedagogical work

Iuliia MOTUZKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Studies,
Safety and Quality Management

Sergij ASLANYAN, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Military Surgery


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How to Cite

PRYTULSKA Н., MOTUZKA Ю. and ASLANYAN С. 2018. Physiological efficiency of products for enteral nutrition. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 28, 4 (Dec. 2018), 85–93.




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