Identification of the geographical origin of products by isotope content


  • Pylyp PETROV National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Institute of Food Resources
  • Yuriy DEMIKHOV Institute of Geochemistry of the Environment of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
  • Yaroslava ZHUKOVA National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Institute of Food Resources


eographical origin, milk, meat, cheese, stable isotopes


Background. Ukraine is integrating deeply into export-import relationships with the countries. Mass spectrometry of stable isotopes is used to determine the fraud of the food items geographical origin. This problem is widely studied in developed countries and on the basis of the offered method the set of regulatory documents regarding the food quality is applied and recognized by several international organizations.
Material and methods. The survey used the analysis of scientific achievements of foreign researchers and regulatory documents. The article summarizes studies of the isotopic composition of meat, milk and cheese, conducted in order to identify their geographical origin.
Results. For the analysis of the geographical origin the mass spectrometry of the stable isotopes of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and others was used. The basis of the difference of isotopic composition of raw materials for food items is the phenomenon of fractionation – combination of biological, physical and chemical processes that result in food from a particular location having a unique isotopic profile. Fractionation of stable isotopes depends on the distance to the sea, climate, livestock forage base, seasonal changes in feeding mode and others. Studies are conducted on the mass spectrometer using standard samples of elements with constant and known isotopic composition. Experiments carried out in various countries around the world, clearly and effectively distinguish the country of origin for meat, milk and cheese in most cases.
Conclusion. The analyzed data from studies conducted in different regions of the world, show differences in the isotopic composition of food by geographical origin, due to climatic conditions, region latitude, distance from the sea, livestock feeding grounds, seasonal changes in feeding regime. It was established the need for measuring the isotopic composition of different fractions of the product. To prevent fraud of food items according to the geographical origin should be used methods of the isotopic researches in Ukraine; therefore it is necessary to create a database of the isotopic composition of food items of Ukrainian and foreign production.

Author Biographies

Pylyp PETROV, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Institute of Food Resources

Junior Scientific Researcher

Yuriy DEMIKHOV, Institute of Geochemistry of the Environment of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Geologic Sciences, Laboratory chief

Yaroslava ZHUKOVA, National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine Institute of Food Resources

Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Department


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How to Cite

PETROV П., DEMIKHOV Ю., & ZHUKOVA Я. (2014). Identification of the geographical origin of products by isotope content. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 18(2), 24–35. etrieved from

