Express method of quantitative determination of urea in milk


  • Yaroslava ZHUKOVA Institute of Food Resources of NAAS Ukraine
  • Pylyp PETROV Institute of Food Resources of NAAS Ukraine
  • Lina KLIMENKO National University of Pharmacy (Kharkiv)


method of additives, milk, urea, spectrophotometry.


The proposed methodical approach in the variant of using the method of addi­tives (MA) expects quantitive determination of urea in milk samples by spectro­photometric method without the need to build a calibration curve and long calculations. This allows significantly speed up the analysis process, reduce material and time costs and at the same time to obtain correct and accurate results, which is confirmed by the validation. The procedure is effective in the range of 0.14–0.7 mg/mL, the detection limit is 0.05 mg/mL. The uncertainty forecast was 7.33 %, which does not exceed the maximum allowable uncertainty of the technique (10 %).

Author Biographies

Yaroslava ZHUKOVA, Institute of Food Resources of NAAS Ukraine

PhD, Head of the Department

Pylyp PETROV, Institute of Food Resources of NAAS Ukraine

MSc, PhD-student

Lina KLIMENKO, National University of Pharmacy (Kharkiv)

Doctor of Science in Pharmacy, associate Professor


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How to Cite

ZHUKOVA, Y., PETROV, P. and KLIMENKO, L. 2017. Express method of quantitative determination of urea in milk. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 24, 2 (Dec. 2017), 17–35.

