Modeling quality index for paper products for sanitary purposes



рaper for sanitary purposes, consumer properties, flotation, mathematical modeling


Background. Improving the competitiveness of paper products for sanitary purposes was made possible by improving the properties of the paper used for the production of these goods.
Ensuring a sufficient level of consumer properties of paper products for sanitary purposes was made possible by the use of refining processes waste paper supply by flotation using a composition with the addition of flotation reagents and polyacrylamide, additional grinding.
Material and methods. Regulatation of properties of paper products for sanitary purposes was done and mathematical models that allow to produce products with predictable properties developed. Modeling quality of paper was performed by regression analysis.
Results. Factors influencing the selected technological parameters of the manufacturing process was the degree of milling pulp, cconcentration of polyacrylamide, flotation processing time. The following indicators of consumer properties were selected as response function in the mathematical model of the process of manufacturing paper: whiteness, capillary suction from an average of two directions, destructive force in the machine direction.
Analyzing the impact of papermaking factors on properties of products can be seen that the most significant factors is the "degree of milling " and "cconcentration of polyacrylamide", which heavily influence the performance of papermaking, the factor "time of flotation processing" is somewhat less important for all output variables, including for capillary absorption and destructive force.
In a preferred area of papermaking process parameters (degree of milling - 36.5–37.0 °SR; cconcentration of polyacrylamide - 0.20–0.21 %; flotation processing time - 24–26 min) achieved high levels of quality paper that is very important for the implementation of the developed technology into production.
Conclusion. Optimized process parameters yield paper that has a good appearance (characterized by high levels of whiteness), high strength (destructive force during stretching in the machine direction) and sufficient functional properties (capillary suction in two directions).

Author Biographies

Ludmyla ANDRIYEVSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

assistance lecturer

Olena MOKROUSOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

doctor of technical sciences, professor

Edward KASYAN, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

doctor of technical sciences, professor


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How to Cite

ANDRIYEVSKA Л., MOKROUSOVA О., & KASYAN Е. (2014). Modeling quality index for paper products for sanitary purposes. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 17(1), 137–146. etrieved from

