Biologically active substances of topping for people with static and physical activity


  • Andriy NEZDOLIY Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Gennady PETYUNIN Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education
  • Lena DAVTYAN Shupyk National medical academy of postgraduate education


топінг, L-карнітин, глюкозамін, високоефективна рідинна хроматографія, статико-фізичне навантаження, topping, L-carnitine, glucosamine, high performance liquid chromatography method, static and physical activity


Background. Qualitative and quantitative content of the finished product of biologically active substances is the main criterion for selecting toppings for people with static and physical activity, because their positive impact on the functional state of the organism determines the expediency of product development and research of its effectiveness.
The aim of the research is to develop a product for people with long-term static and physical activity, which would prevent the development of diseases of the joints and fatigue, with the inclusion of biologically active compounds L-carnitine and glucosamine in the formulation of topping.
Material and methods. As biologically active substances L-carnitine and glucosamine where used in the topping, their identification was carried out by high performance liquid chromatography method. This method is convenient because of the availability to use preparative isolation and to conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of non-volatile thermally labile compounds with both small and high molecular weight.
Results. According to the experimental results 1 g of toppings contains 20 mg / g of glucosamine (at a rate add to the formulation 18–22 mg / g) and 16 mg / g of L-carnitine (at a rate of 14.4–17.6 mg / g).
Conclusion. By using HPLC the identification of biologically active substances toppings was carried out, including L-carnitine and glucosamine. Their quantitative content in the product was established.

Author Biographies

Andriy NEZDOLIY, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


Gennady PETYUNIN, Kharkiv medical academy of postgraduate education

doctor of sciences (pharmacology), professor

Lena DAVTYAN, Shupyk National medical academy of postgraduate education

doctor of sciences (pharmacology), professor


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How to Cite

NEZDOLIY А., PETYUNIN Г., & DAVTYAN Л. (2014). Biologically active substances of topping for people with static and physical activity. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 17(1), 84–89. etrieved from

