Determination of acute toxiс level in vivo of confectionery for people engaged in the long-lasting static physical activity


  • Аndreі NEZDOLIY Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


L-carnitine, glucosamine, sweets, topping, acute toxic level, harmlessness


Background. Given the characteristics of the working conditions of certain population groups, accompanied by long mental and physical activities, it is important to develop safe food for these categories of consumers with particular functional orientation. The structure of the developed candies and toppings for people with long static-exercise with added biologically active substances (L-carnitine and glucosamine), so it is important to determine the toxic level of the finished product.
The aim of the research is to determine acute toxic level of sweets and toppings for people with long static-physical activity after a single application.
Material and methods. Studies of acute toxic level of sweets and toppings was conducted on white mature rats according to the general ethical principles of animal experimentation [9; 10]. One group consisted of intact animals. Six groups of 10 rats were injected intragastric sweets or topping (separately) in various doses – 2000, 5000 and 10000 mg/kg. The animals were observed continuously for 24 h from the first introduction of sweets and toppings and then for 13 days 1 time per day. Body of experimental animals was weighted on the 3rd, 7th and 14th days.
Results. Monitoring behavioral responses of animals in oral injection of sweets and topping showed that during the period of observation of animal deaths in any group was not attested. The researchers found no symptoms that characterize the disorders of the central and autonomic nervous system, cardiopulmonary failure, etc. According to the graduation by K. K. Sidorov [11] studied sweets and topping can be attributed to toxic class V "Practically non-toxic substances", because they lethal dose exceeds 1000 mg/100 g.
Conclusion. The results of monitoring clinical manifestations and their interpretation in the study of acute toxic level of sweets and toppings with L-carnitine and glucosamine indicate their relative harmlessness. By K. K. Sidorov these products can be attributed to toxic class V "Practically non-toxic substances".

Author Biography

Аndreі NEZDOLIY, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

NEZDOLIY А. (2015). Determination of acute toxiс level in vivo of confectionery for people engaged in the long-lasting static physical activity. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 19(1), 183–188. etrieved from

