Fraction composition changes in water during storage and freezing of green beans



green beans, water content, colloid-bound water, osmotically-absorbed water, freezing, soluble solids


Background. The predominant component of most food is water. The main changes that occur during storage of fruits and vegetables are due the process of respiration and evaporation of water and are accompanied by changes in their chemical composition and organoleptic properties. In the literature there is no data on the mode and duration of storage of some types of green beans intended for direct consumption and their further processing.
The aim – research of quantitative and qualitative changes of water in vegetable beans during storage and freezing
Material and methods. The object of research is selected varieties of green beans zoned in Ukraine Pantera and Nagano [11]. Its quality in freshly product was determined within 10 days at the temperature 6 ± 2 and 28 ± 2 ºС (every 24 h) and after freezing at minus 30 ºС: organoleptic parameters were determined by National State Standard [12], soluble solids (РСР) – by GOST [13]; total moisture content, including share colloidal osmotic-bound and absorbed by Kh. Pochynok method [14]; titrated acidity by DSTU [15]; fraction of total sugars by DSTU [16]. Data was presented by taking into account the mass loss.
Results. It has been identified that in the investigated varieties of beans evaporation, resulting in reduced moisture is far greater than the intensity of the process of respiration. There were changes in the ratio of moisture fractions: increased osmotic-absorbed moisture while reducing the proportion of colloid-bound one.
Conclusion. Interconnection and relationships between indicators of quality of beans before and after freezing, depending on the terms and conditions of storage have been established. The obtained data is the first step in a complex studies aimed at predicting the quality of frozen beans. It involves the need to identify a set of indicators, including respiration intensity, osmotic pressure and comprehensive measure of quality etc.

Author Biographies

Svetlana BELINSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Ilya KLIACHYN, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



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How to Cite

BELINSKA С., & KLIACHYN І. (2015). Fraction composition changes in water during storage and freezing of green beans. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 19(1), 154–162. etrieved from

