Performance properties of coatings filled with modified kaolin



water dispersion coatings, water dispersion of styrene-acrylic copolymer, kaolin, surfactants, liquid-water permeability, water-vapor permeability, resistance of coatings


Background. Increasing the share of production of water-dispersion paints and their use in construction is due to several advantages (toxic and fire-dangerous organic substances are not used) in contrast to systems based on organic solvents.
The aim of the article is to develop new filled water-dispersion paint with the advanced protective properties based on modified domestic fillers.
Material and methods. The objects of study are water-dispersion paints and their coatings for the making of which following materials were chosen: water dispersion of styrene-acrylic copolymer, kaolin from Ukrainian deposits modified by 3-metakryloksipropiltrymetoksisylan, titanium dioxide and functional additives (dispersant, coalestsent, defoamer, thickener and biocide). Investigation of the properties of developed water-dispersion paints and coatings were conducted using methods defined in standards for paint materials.
Results. Studies of the protective properties of the paint coating have showed advantages of compositions filled with modified kaolin. This is due to the formation of active centers of adsorption on the filler’s particle surface and increase of it’s hydrophilicity.
Compositions which form coatings with low water absorption and high water -vapor permeability were obtained using modified kaolin as fillers and well-chosen value between binder, pigments and fillers.
Coatings based on the developed water-dispersion paints can withstand static impact of water for at least 48 h and are resistant to aggressive substances of atmosphere, which is especially important for large cities, environmentally disadvantaged areas and coastal areas.
Conclusion. The use of modified kaolin as filler improves the protective properties of water-dispersion paints and coatings based on them. Such coatings are highly resistant to water and corrosive environments.

Author Biographies

Nina MEREZHKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Olga SHULGA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student


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How to Cite

MEREZHKO Н. and SHULGA О. 2015. Performance properties of coatings filled with modified kaolin. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 19, 1 (Jun. 2015), 121–127.




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