Fisheries development in Ukraine
fisheries, aquaculture, inland waters, water resources, fishing, seafood, fish consumptionAbstract
Background. Fish and fishery products are strategically important for nutrition and occupy an important place in biologically valuable protein diet of the population. Nowadays there is a deep decline in Ukraine in fishery and destruction of its material and resource potential.
The aim of the article is to analyze the current state, determine the prospects and development strategies of fisheries in Ukraine.
Material and methods. While researching the general scientific and special methods of analysis and synthesis, systematic approach, analysis, comparison and synthesis were used. The theoretical basis was the results of the investigations in the fishing industry, empirical – official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, State Agency for Fisheries of Ukraine, State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Agrarian News Agency.
Results. During the 2000–2013 years fishing and capture of other aquatic biological resources in Ukraine have decreased by 35.5 %. However, in 2013 compared to 2012, the total capture of aquatic biological resources increased by 10.7 % which includes fishing by 9.9 %. In the waters of maritime economic zones of other States in 2013 was caught and captured by 2.4 % less than in 2012, (maritime) economic zone of Ukraine – by 24.3 % more, in inland waters – by 9.9 % more. Annual consumption of fish and fish products among Ukraine's population in 2014 was 15 kg/person, which is 43 % less than the recommended level rates (20 kg/year) and 40.7 % less than in developed countries.
Dependence on the imports of Ukrainian fish and seafood market is confirmed by the dynamics of the increase in imports of fish and seafood, as well as the share of imports (85 %) and domestic fish products (15 %). The major importers of fish products in Ukraine are Norway, Vietnam, Latvia, Iceland, USA and others. Exports of fish and seafood in 2014 compared to 2013 increased by 3.2 %.
Conclusion. Fisheries sector of Ukraine under present circumstances is in critical condition. Its recovery and development is possible by updating production facilities, introducing innovative achievements, directing considerable investment resources in the field, reviewing existing provisions on lending the industry, optimization of commodity nomenclature based on consumer demand, the formation and maintenance of breeding base for improving the quality of aquaculture facilities, expanding the resource base and forage fisheries, encouraging the promotion of domestic fish products to the domestic and foreign market by expanding the range and quality improvement.
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