Rheological properties of flour dough with coconut fiber



coconut fiber, farinogramme, rheological properties, consistency, stability, softening.


Background. The promising way of improving the quality of honey cakes is the usage of biologically active materials of herb origin enriched with micronutrients. The Ukrainian market is presenting a wide range of dietary fibers – secondary products of oilseeds processing, obtained by seed oil extraction with liquid hexane. The research of coconut fiber (a skim coconut flesh residue) seems scientifically grounded, as it contains 4 times more cellulose and 5 times less carbohydrates as compared to soy and wheat-germ fibers, respectively [10; 11].
The aim of the research is to identify rheological properties of wheat dough using coconut fiber.
Material and methods. As the studied herb materials, coconut fiber and 1st grade wheat flour were used according to the recepies 99 and 100 [1; 12]. The coconut fiber concentration was 3, 5 and 7 % to the dough weight, semi prepared dough was assigned with codes – F-3, F-5 and F-7, respectively.
Dough without coconut fiber was a control sample.
Dough rheology was analyzed on Brabender farinograph by common method [13]. The ordinary quality indexes were scored by decoding farinograms plotted as the curves.
Results. Homogenization time of the reference and researched samples is almost the same and averages 1.1 ± 0.1 min, which corresponds to dough viscosity index 400 ± 19 FU. It has been defined that dough development time of F-3 and F-5 samples is 2.5 min, F-7 sample – 2.3 min, which is by 7.4 і 14.8 % less compared to the reference. While consistency index of F-3 sample is higher by 2.0 % in comparison with traditionally made dough, but F-5 and F-7 samples is by 2.0 and 3.3 % lower respectively. It has been found that dough stability time of F-5 and F-7 samples is more by 10.6 and 24.2 % compared with the reference (6.6 min) and reaches 7.3 and 8.2 min, respectively, whereas F-3 index is 3.0 less (6.4 min). Farinograph quality number has shown constant growth with increase of the fiber content by 8.3, 26.4 and 40.3 higher in comparison with the reference.
Conclusion. Adding little concentration of coconut fiber supplement has in general a positive impact on the dough semi product structure.
Based on the comparison of quality indexes of the reference and researched semi prepared samples, an initial conclusion regarding optimal fiber concentration in semi prepared dough as 3–5 of flour weight, has been made.

Author Biographies

Myroslav KRYVORUCHKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer

Ninel FOROSTIANA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

KRYVORUCHKO М., & FOROSTIANA Н. (2016). Rheological properties of flour dough with coconut fiber. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 22(2), 177–184. etrieved from https://journals.knute.edu.ua/commodities-and-markets/article/view/1204

