Biostability of textile fillers for bedding products


  • Galyna MYKHAILOVA Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics
  • Iryna PLATONOVA Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University
  • Sergij BRYCHKA Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


bedding products, biostability, biodamages, fibres of wool, biocide product, strains of fungi


Background. In the process of use, textile products are exposed to various environmental influences, which leads to reduction in the period of their use and negative influence on the human body. One of the most types of destruction of textile materials in use is microbiological damage.
Scientists I. S. Galyk, O. B. Kontsevych, B. D. Semak worked on the problem of assessing the biostability of clothing textiles, materials with wool – V. V. Nedilko with coauthors, M. E. Ratsuk and others.
At present, the provision of textiles for different purposes with biostability remains an important and topical issue of light industry.
The aim of the article is to assess the biostability of bedding products for sleep with textile fillers of protein origin and to evaluate the biocidal activity of the "Bactrym" product.
Material and methods. Textile fillers made from sheep's wool for bedding products for sleep, untreated and pre-treated with the biocidal "Bactrym" product, manufactured by Gerd Billerbeck GmbH (Kyiv, Ukraine) were the objects of the study. Biocide Bactrym products was developed at the production enterprise of SE "Khimteks" (Kherson, Ukraine). The research was conducted according to GOST 9.802–84 and GOST 9.048–89 in the Central Research Laboratory and Laboratory of Industrial Toxicology of the Lviv National Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky. To infect the specimens, the museum strains of fungus were used: Aspergillus niger F-16693, Aspergillus terreus F-8472, Chaetomium globosum F-405, Penicillium funiculosum F-100039, Trichoderma viride F-100021, Paecilomyces variotti F-424. The inoculation was incubated at a temperature of 29 °C, humidity of 85–90 % for 28 days. Experimental studies were performed in 5-fold repeatability.
The biocidal action of "Bactrim" was evaluated by microscopy of native fibers of the filler with an increase of 10´40 times.
In the O. Chuika Institute of Surface Chemistry of NAS of Ukraine a study of the structure and surface changes of wool fibers which occurred as a result of fungal damage, was conducted. Scanning electron microscope was used.
Results. Samples of blankets with fillers from sheep’s wool that had not been protected by the biocidal product Bactrym, were a substrate for the growth of fungi, and ones treated with biocide Bactrym and infected with selected strains of fungi on a scale of fungi resistance were estimated from 0 to 2+ and classified as fungiresistant.
Biocide product Bactrym has a pronounced antimycotic activity against fungal corrosion of fillers from sheep’s wool to Penicillium funiculosum, Chaetomium globosum, Paecilomyces variotti, Trichoderma viride with a score of 0; medium – to the fungi of the genus Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus with a score of 1+ at the fungi resistance scale.
Conclusion. It is established that the biocidal product Bactrym based on triclosan inhibits development of particular physiological groups of microorganisms, including wool-destroying fungi. This makes it possible to purposefully provide textile fillers of various origins with the desired effect of biostability.
Thus, the surface modification of textile materials and products with biocidal products provides increased hygiene and environmental safety, which will be studied in further scientific works.

Author Biographies

Galyna MYKHAILOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Commodity Science and Customs

Iryna PLATONOVA, Danylo Halytskyi Lviv National Medical University

PhD in Biology, senior research fellow at the Central scientific and research laboratory and industrial toxicology laboratory

Sergij BRYCHKA, Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Doctor of Sciences (Technical), senior research fellow


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How to Cite

MYKHAILOVA Г., PLATONOVA І., & BRYCHKA С. (2018). Biostability of textile fillers for bedding products. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 27(3), 37–49. etrieved from

