А systematic approach to the prediction of properties textile products





systematic approach, textile products, product properties, raw materials, yarns, textile products.


One of the most promising areas for expanding the range and improving the quality of textile products is the application of a systematic approach to predicting their properties. The systematic approach takes into account the interconnection of operations throughout the entire chain of the textile manu­facturing process, so its application is appropriate and relevant.

The systematic approach is a set of methods and the appropriate sequence of their appli­cation, which provides a comprehensive view of a particular problem and directions for its solution. It is typically applied to all techno­logical systems that are of an orderly nature.

Technological processes in the textile and light industry are sequential chains of certain operations that are interconnected and allow you to get the final product in accordance with the technical specifications. Each techno­logical operation requires compliance with the requirements for equipment and personnel qualifications, which affects the quality of the semi-finished product and the finished product as a whole.

The aim of the study is to analyse the application of a systematic approach to pre­dicting the properties of textile products, impro­ving their quality and expanding their range.

The systematic methodology consists of a set of methods and a certain sequence of their application. It provides a comprehensive view of the goal and ways to achieve it.

An in-depth analysis of existing systematic approaches in some industries has been conducted.

To predict the properties and quality of textile products, it is advisable to apply a systematic approach that allows to identify the elements of the system, their grouping into subsystems and the relationships between them and to guarantee their rationality. The properties of finished products are directly influenced by the properties of the derivative raw materials, the state of technological equipment and the level of qualification of production and mana­gement personnel.

The following articles will highlight further research in the application of a systematic approach to predicting product properties at Ukrainian textile and light industry enter­prises, which will allow us to build a mathe­matical model and a general algorithm for predicting product properties and managing their quality.

Author Biographies

Andrii SLIZKOV, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Commodity Studies and Customs Affairs

Halyna MYKHAILOVA, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Commodity Studies and Customs Affairs


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How to Cite

SLIZKOV, A., & MYKHAILOVA, H. (2023). А systematic approach to the prediction of properties textile products. "INTERNATIONAL·SCIENTIFIC-·PRACTICAL·JOURNAL·COMMODITIES·AND·MARKETS", 47(3), 94–110. https://doi.org/10.31617/2.2023(47)07

