Fruit fillings for flour products based on the modified starch and pectin




fruit filling, pectin, modified starch, flour products, rheological properties


Background. Today, the highest demand among consumers is the use of combined products with jelly fillings based on fruit and berry raw materials. The main requirement for the stuffing is to preserve the organoleptic, physical and physicochemical properties throughout the shelf life of the products after baking. The essence of the problem lies not only in the complexity of the selection of stabilizing components to reduce the amount of free moisture in the finished product, but also in achieving the necessary properties: thermal stability, viscosity, harmony of taste, homogeneity of fruit mass, its attractiveness in color and smell. A promising area of research is to study the rheological properties of model stabilizing compositions based on pectin and modified starch for use in fruit fillings.
The aim of the work is a scientific and practical substantiation of perfection of fruit stuffing for flour confectionery with the use of stabilizing compositions of pectin and modified starch.
Materials and methods. The object of study is the technology of fruit stuffing for flour confectionery. The rheological properties of stabilization compositions based on pectin and modified starch on the instrument "Reotest-2" are investigated and the organoleptic comparative evaluation on a 10-point scale of the samples of the fillings prepared on the stabilization compositions is made. The overall score is defined as the area of the quality polygon.
Results. The investigations of the rheological parameters of model systems of different types of modified starch have made it possible to identify those that are suitable for use in fruit recipes.
The stuffing, prepared according to traditional recipes and technology, did not meet modern requirements and was of poor quality. The decision was made to replace apple puree with pectin or composition of pectin with modified starch with increasing the quantitative fraction of water in the formulation.
The determination of the best sample of fruit fillings was made by organoleptic evaluation, using a 10-point scale, on indicators: color and transparency, taste, smell, consistency, behavior in the product. The overall score is defined as the area of the quality polygon.
On the basis of the conducted researches the recipe of fruit filling for flour confectionery was developed on the basis of polysaccharide composition pectin + starch Emjel EP-300.
Conclusion. The results of the study of the rheological properties of pectin-based stabilized systems and modified starch make it possible to predict the structural and mechanical properties of fruit toppings for flour confectionery. The use of the composition of the modified starch and pectin makes it possible to reduce the cost of production by replacing some expensive pectin with starch.
Based on the study of the influence of hydrocolloids on the structure of fruit filling, organoleptic characteristics, in particular the migration of moisture into the housing during storage of the finished product, the optimal composition of the recipe mixture: pectin – 0.5 %, modified starch – 4.5 % by weight of the filling with a solids content of 72 %.

Author Biographies

Olena HRABOVSKA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business

Mykhailo KRAVCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,Head of the Department of Technology and Organization of Restaurant Business

Nataliya SABADASH, National University of Food Technologies

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of Fats, Perfumery and Cosmetic Products Technology


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How to Cite

HRABOVSKA О., KRAVCHENKO М., & SABADASH Н. (2020). Fruit fillings for flour products based on the modified starch and pectin. NTERNATIONAL CIENTIFIC-RACTICAL OURNAL OMMODITIES ND ARKETS, 33(1), 64–77.

