Forecast models of quality of frozen semi-finished productsfrom cultivated mushrooms




champignons, semi-finished products, freezing, quality, forecasting


Introduction. An alternative to proteins of animal and plant origin are the proteins of cultivated mushrooms. As mushrooms are "living" biological objects, they mature quickly and do not belong to the products of long-term storage.
Problem. The low shelf life of mushrooms in fresh form indicates the urgent need for their timely processing. The problem of forecasting the preservation of quality during the shelf life remains relevant.
The aim of the work is to study the con­sumer properties of frozen semi-finished pro­ducts from cultivated champignons and to deve­lop predictive models of their quality.
Methods. The object of the study is quick-frozen semi-finished products from cultivated white champignonsof the HauserА-15 strain with a closed cap of the first wave of harvest, pre-blanched in citric acid solution (0.1 %, 60 s) and treated before freezing with xanthan gum of  0.2 %; guar of 0.1 % and lamidan of 0.1 % (Experiment) and without pre-treatment (Control). Organoleptic and physicochemical parameters were studied, methods of statistical processing and mathematical modelingwere applied.
Results. The developed models of linear dependence of changes in organoleptic pro­per­ties of semi-finished products on the duration of storage show the same direction, but different intensity of their flow for control and experi­mental.
The existence of a strong connection (in­verse and direct) between certain organoleptic and physicochemical parameters of frozen semi-finished products has been confirmed. A nega­tive impact of increasing the content of osmo­tically absorbed moisture on the preservation of the consistency of semi-finished products and their moisture retention capacity has been esta­blished.
The change in the quality of frozen semi-finished products from cultivated champignonsduring the shelf life has been qualitatively pro­ved and the most influential factors have been identified, the management of which will allow determining the perspective level of quality of semi-finished products during their shelf life.
Conclusions. It has been pre-treatment of champignons before freezing with polysac­charides of natural origin helps to stabilize the quality of semi-finished products during long-term low-temperature storage.
The dependence of the quality of frozen semi-finished products from cultivated cham­pignons on the duration of storage, appearance, color, consistency, moisture retention capacity, ascorbic acid content, has been established.
Potentially, a high quality of frozen semi-finished products from cultivated champignons can be ensured under the condition of cont­rolled impact on the above listed indicators.

Author Biographies

Svitlana BELINSKA, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management

Nataliia NESTERENKO, State University of Trade and Economics

PhD (Technical Sciences), Assistant at the Department of Commodity Science, Safety and Quality Management

Olena MOROZ, Vinnytsia National Technical University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship, Logistics and Management


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How to Cite

BELINSKA С. , NESTERENKO Н. and MOROZ О. 2022. Forecast models of quality of frozen semi-finished productsfrom cultivated mushrooms. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 41, 1 (Apr. 2022), 92–103. DOI:

