About the Journal
Founder: State University of Trade and Economics/assignee Kyiv national university of trade and economics
Founded: 2010
Range of problems:
- trends in the development of the world economy;
- globalization processes and related challenges for national economies, foreign economic experience;
- international division of labor, formation of human capital, migration processes;
- scientific and technical cooperation, innovative activity, transnational corporations;
- all aspects of foreign trade, its influence on the development of national economies;
- global finance, investment movement, currency and financial operations, global trends in the development of financial markets;
- regulatory and legal provision of economic activity and trade at the national and international levels;
- international, administrative, financial, commercial, private law;
- law-making, law enforcement activities, judicial process.
Program goals or thematic focus: the coverage of the results of theoretical and practical scientific research on the problems of economics, finance and law.
ISSN: 2616-6100
еISSN: 2616-6119
Certificate of state registration: КВ № 25165-15105 PR of 27.06.2022
Certificate of registration of the subject of the publishing business ДК № 7656
State attestation committee of the Ministry of
Education and Science of Ukraine:
Order No. 1643 of 28.12.2019 (addition 4) – on economic sciences (the journal is assigned category "B")
Order No. 409 of 17.03.2020 (addition 1, № 137) – on legal sciences (the journal is assigned category "B")
Order No. 1222 (addition 8) from 07.10.2016 to 07.10.2021 - on legal sciences
Order No. 528 (addition 10) from 12.05.2015 to 12.05.2020 - on economic sciences
Resolution No. 1-05/6 from 06.10.2010 tо 06.10.2015 – on legal sciences
Resolution No. 1-05/2 from 10.03.2010 tо 10.03.2015 – on economic sciences
Field of Science: Economic and Legal Sciences
Subscription index of the publication: 09641 (DP Presa)
Frequency: 4 times a year
SAC specialty: 051 Economics; 071 Accounting and taxation; 072 Finance, banking and insurance;
073 Management; 075 Marketing; 076 Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities;
292 International Economic Relations; 081 Law; 293 International law
The magazine issue schedule in 2024: № 1 (138) – 12.03.2025; № 2 (139) – 11.06.2025;
№ 3 (140) – 16.09.2025; № 4 (141) – 16.12.2025
Publication language: Ukrainian, English (in mixed languages)
Editor in Chief: Anatolii Mazaraki, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, academician of NAPS of Ukraine
Deputy Editor in Chief: Nataliia Prytulska, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Executive Secretary: Gerasymenko Anzhelika, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Executive Clerk Secretary: State University of Trade and Economics
23, str. Kyoto, Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine
tel.: +38044-531-31-16; ext. 11-16
E-mail: zt@knute.edu.ua
Current Issue

- issued on the recommendation of the Academic Council of SUTE
(minutes of the meeting No. 6 from 27.02.2025); - signed for printing on 06.03.2025.