Deformations of the car market development in Ukraine




car market, production dynamics, car import, customs regulation, import dependence


Background. The car market in Ukraine is a bright example of the chronic import dependence situation for both: the consumer and the national manufacturer. With the government’s active policy aimed at protection of the national carmakers, with a capa­cious domestic market, with the presence of large full-cycle automotive factories as of 2019, today Ukraine’s auto industry has practically stopped to exist.
Directly or indirectly, the scientific and practical aspects related to the outlined problem were investigated in scientific works of: T. M. Melnyk, T. O. Ostashko, S. M. Sav­chenko, E. V. Prushkivska.
The aim of the article is to analyze the state of Ukrainian car market import dependence.
Materials and methods. Analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, generali­zation, statistical methods of dynamics and structure estimation.
Results. The article analyzes the current state of the car market in Ukraine. There were investigated indicators such as production volume, quantitative and cost indicators of imports, geographical structure of imports, determined the share of imported cars in domestic sales, the structure of industry output by manufacturers, rates of import taxes on cars, as well as the market structure by car brands.
Conclusion. The rapid decline in national production with steady increasing consumers’ demand led to the import dependence of the Ukrainian car market.
Further research in this area may be aimed at developing public policy measures to overcome the critical import dependence of the economy by industries.

Author Biographies

Liliya SAMSONOVA, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D. in Economics, senior lecturer at the Department of World Economy

Anastasiya SLOBODIAN, "ViDi Power" LLC

inventory management specialist 


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How to Cite

SAMSONOVA Л. and SLOBODIAN А. 2020. Deformations of the car market development in Ukraine. INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL JOURNAL COMMODITIES AND MARKETS. 34, 2 (Jun. 2020), 33–45. DOI: