Financial imbalances identifiers



foreign investments, financial imbalance, balance of payments, international investment position, economic growth


Background. The prediction of the consequences of financial imbalances and provision of a harmonized development of the world economic system is the mainstream of modern researches of financial processes at the global level. Irregularity, asynchronous and disparity of development, that is inherent for economic globalization, are amplified by more conspicuous crisis phenomena and processes that restrain now stable economic growth of the world. Depending on the impact of this problem on economic growth, expectations of the global financial system dynamics is formed, in which Ukraine is fully integrated now.
The analysis of recent researches and publications. In recent years, in scientific and analytical literature on international finances and macroeconomics considerable attention is paid to financial imbalance problem. They took central place in discussions about the causes of the global financial crisis, the slowdown of overall economic growth and the prospects for the global financial architecture reform. At this stage in the scientific literature the question of their impact on the processes of economic growth of national economies remains unexplored.
The aim of the research is to identify the impact of financial imbalances on economic growth rate of the state.
Materials and methods. General scientific and special methods of cognition of economic processes and phenomena are used: dialectical analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization, and cluster method is used. InfoBase of the research is presented by scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, analytical reports and statistics of international financial organizations.
Results. In the article the authors examined the main approaches to definitions of the essence of the concept of «financial imbalances», described the main indicators of financial imbalances and calculated their values for the economies of individual countries. The influence of the financial imbalances on economic growth around the world is analyzed.
Conclusion. The current article describes the main approaches to definitions of «financial imbalances», characterizes the main indicators of financial imbalances and calcuted their values for some economies. There were analyzed the impact of financial imbalances on the economic growth of countries in the world.

Author Biographies

Tetiana MELNYK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Department of international economic relations

Kyrylo KASIANOK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Postgraduate student of the Department of international economic relations


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How to Cite

MELNYK Т. and KASIANOK К. 2016. Financial imbalances identifiers. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 88, 5 (Oct. 2016), 5–15.

