New guidelines of architectonization of environmental diplomacy



ecological diplomacy, architectonics, globalization, diplomacy of forces, state ecological policy, investment processes, balanced development.


BackgroundIn the face of globalization challenges, mankind demonstrates an opportunity for social mobilization, consolidating efforts in the field of counteracting environmental threats. The policy of interest of the parties of the international dialogue to the formation of a new level of contact, efficiency, effectiveness of actions taking into account their status and factor interpretation of the range of possibilities is being improved through the use of the forces of diplomacy of the internal and external. Conducting the reformation of the diplomatic services of countries is a sign of their progressive development and image in the world, having in their arsenal also their own responses to the «ecological messages of the twenty-first century». Improving the competitiveness of our state should be accompanied by the intensification of various forms of environmental diplomacy, which should include impulses: «adaptation» to the realities of the world economy and the proper response of its market subjects, representatives / agents of diplomacy to the environmental demands of the societies; «maximizing» the volumes of attraction of foreign direct investments and other resources due to ecologization of the functioning of the national economy and branches of its economic complexes; «architectonization» of diplomacy with the aim of protecting national ecological and economic interests in world markets with simultaneous flexibility of stimulating motivations in the behavior of potential competitors and partners.
Analysis of recent research and publicationsScientific research on the ecological aspects of diplomacy is carried out in the context of a problem that reflects: ecological and economic elements in international development policy, security, strategy and multilateral diplomacy, new vectors for the universalisation of diplomacy and environmentalization of international relations. Modern scientific researches of ecological and economic content are interdisciplinary. In this aspect, it is important to attract the attention of the theorists and practitioners of international relations to the issues of the development of ecological diplomacy, the comprehensive level of its presentation and the identification of the national specificity of its activation through various mechanisms for its recognition, support and implementation.
The aim of the article is to determine the latest guidelines in the architectonizationof ecological diplomacy, which are reflected in the space of the formation of national environmental policy, strategy and international cooperation.
Materials and methodsIn accordance with the purpose of the study, the methods of macroeconomic analysis that deepen understanding of the essence of environmental diplomacy, as well as reveal their specificity in the aspects of investment activity at the present stage are used in the article.
ResultsThe modern life of humanity is a rapid change in the attributes of value orientations in international relations, the universality of market concepts of economic activity, polyphony of mechanisms for achieving strategic goals, the scale of the use of the latest information technologies and the orientation of investment resources in the «newest areas» of the world economy. This interaction space is environmentally determined and requires proper response to the challenges and threats of the interactive modality of globalization and the application of the architectonic principle in international cooperation.Architectonization finds reflection in all types of human activities and is realized in the design, forecasting and world-building processes. «Diplomacy of Forces» can be aimed at: activity, progress, consolidation and protection. For the implementation of economic transformations and the development of international relations of Ukraine, diplomatic support for investment processes in the field of environmental innovations and environmental protection is required in order to: prevent the emergence of environmental threats, conduct environmental assessments at the stage of planning activities and adopt environmentally sound solutions; attraction of international experts, experts, analysts and diplomats to expand the areas of ecological and economic cooperation.
Conclusion. Increasing the attention of the international community to the issue of an ecological nature is an indication of the urgency in resolving a range of interrelated socio-economic, political, environmental and other issues that by their nature of emergence and translation in space / time are international. That is why the development of ecological diplomacy should be considered on the main architectonic principle, which enables to identify the state of internal and external possibilities of its stimulation through the use of various resources, the degree of interest in cooperation between national and foreign counterparties. An investment component in this area can serve as a basis for identifying problem / complex «niches» or potential / prospective «acts» of the domestic diplomatic service, which should be oriented towards the ecologization of its activities. The global trends and realities of our time testify that the high diplomatic culture of the country is also the establishment of an eco-imperative in security, prosperity and prosperity for peace.

Author Biography

Alina BOKHAN, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Ph.D (Economic Science), Assoc. Professor of the Chair of international economy


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How to Cite

BOKHAN А. (2018). New guidelines of architectonization of environmental diplomacy. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 101(6), 42–54. etrieved from

