Geospatial strategization of economic diplomacy
economic diplomacy, geospace, strategies, globalization, security.Abstract
Issues of the development of economic diplomacy strategization in the complex conditions of international interactions of countries are relevant. The transformation of geospace determines the activity of diplomatic forces and affects the mechanisms for countering global risks. The strengthening of the global interdependence of countries, resource competition and the increase in problems of a systemic, critical and crisis nature affect the sphere of diplomacy and the effectiveness of the types of its application. The aim of the article is the identification of modern trends, features of geospatial strategizing of economic diplomacy in the conditions of challenges and threats of globalization. The main methodological base of the research is general scientific and special methods, complex analysis. The theoretical-practical aspect of economic diplomacy is studied through the identification of factors of a systemic, critical and crisis nature of influence on international relations. The environment of international interactions of countries has elements of collective vulnerability of national economies to global risks. Strengthening the potential of countries on the world stage and forming leadership in solving global problems requires mechanisms for strategizing economic diplomacy. Traditional and new dimensions of the geospatial strategization of economic diplomacy testify to its integrative, progressive and perspective development, which should ensure the representation and protection of the country’s national interests on the world stage.
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