Increasing the transit attractiveness of Ukrainian marine ports
transit, marine ports, cargo handling, transit attractiveness, transit freight goods.Abstract
Introduction. Structural disproportions of the national economy of Ukraine cause a high level of dependency on goods export, which is mainly done through marine ports. Considering a high level of wear of fixed assets in the port infrastructure, there is a need for attracting additional financial resources for conducting modernization programs. This is proposed to achieve by intensifying transit shipping.
Analysis of recent research and publications shows great relevance of the transit goods shipping subject as well as their role in generating greater cashflow for ports.
The aim of the article is to develop proposals for attracting capital investment towards port infrastructure, while the the source of their financing is suggested to come from an increase of goods transit through Ukrainian ports.
Мethods. The object of this article is to study marine ports of Ukraine and the state of sea transit shipping.
Results. An analysis of the current state of transit goods shipping through Ukrainian marine ports is carried from both quantitive and qualitative aspects. Main problems undermining the utilization of the marine transport potential are determined. Proposals are given for increasing the volume of transit goods shipping.
Conclusions. Ukrainian marine ports boast considerable underutilized potential for servicing additional volumes of transit freight. An effective employment of this potential will lead to an increase of ports profitability which, in turn, will open new possibilities for financing modernization programs and renewing fixed assets.
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