Ukrainian exports: the potential of «grain corridors»




sea ports, blockade, russian invasion, grain corridors, export, Ukraine.


Introduction. The blockade of Ukrainian seaports by russia has significantly limited the grain exports to world markets. This fact became a threat of losing a significant share of the 2021 harvest due to the impossibility of its timely export. To solve this problem, «grain corridors» were created. 

Problem. Despite a substantial progress in ensuring the export of grain, the efficiency of their export needs improvement. In addition, the functio­ning of these corridors is at risk due to the possi­bility of their termination.

The aim of the article is to develop measures to optimize the operation of «grain corridors», elimi­nate bottlenecks and ensure the continued functioning of these grain export channels from Ukraine.

Methods. Empirical methods, methods of statistical evaluation, synthesis and comparative analysis were used during the research.

Results. The state of export of grain crops from Ukraine and the role of seaports in it were studied. The importance of «grain corridors» for the export of the 2021-2023 harvest and ensuring world food security has been demonstrated. The problems hindering the intensification of grain exports are outlined and recommendations for its increase are provided.

Conclusions. Ukrainian seaports play an extre­mely important role in ensuring the export of grain crops from Ukraine. The systematic continuation of the «grain corridors» and the full realization of their potential are critical to ensure the timely exports of the 2021–2023 harvest and food security in the world. Further research in this field should be focused on ways of increasing the economic effectiveness of shipments within the «grain corridors», as well as on optimizing the ships examination process by inspection groups.

Author Biography

Yevhenii BIELASHOV, National institute for strategic studies

Chief consultant of the Department of sectoral economy of Center of economic and social research


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How to Cite

BIELASHOV Є. 2023. Ukrainian exports: the potential of «grain corridors». Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 126, 1 (Feb. 2023), 60–69. DOI:

