Stimulation of national export



foreign trade, export, global value chains, trade procedures; export credit agency; SMB export and trading houses


Background. The rapid decline in exports over the last 5 years has set the urgent task of stimulation its development.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem aspects of Ukraine’s foreign trade are thoroughly studied by domestic experts. However, there isa lack of the theoretical and methodical justification of organizational and managerial mechanisms for stimulating the development of national foreign trade.
The study aims to justify the priority measures to stimulate national exports.
Materials and methodsThe research is carried using the materials, such as information sources from UNCTAD, the WTO, the IMF, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the State Statistics Service of Ukraineas well as works of domestic and foreign specialists. In the research such scientific methods as historical, logical analysis, synthesis and abstraction, modeling are used.
The results of the research. In the article the basic mechanisms providing the effect in several years aresubstantiated, namely: the development of industrial parks and clustering of industry, active cooperation with international business in global value added chains, trade facilitation in the context of the WTO Agreement, financial and credit support of export through an export credit agency; the involvement of the country’s small and medium businesses in export, activation of the formation and activities of integration and cooperative type of organizations (such as trading houses, consortiums, unions and other forms), implementation of international electronic trading in practice.
ConclusionThe promoting activities in the specified areas can provide an increase in exports within 15–20 percentby 2021 year.

Author Biographies

Volodymyr ONYSCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor at the Department
of International Economic Relations

Ihor GUZHVA, CDM-Ukraine (Center for market development economy)

Ph D in Economics, expert of the CDM – Ukraine (Center for market development economy) 


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How to Cite

ONYSCHENKO В. and GUZHVA І. 2017. Stimulation of national export. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 95, 6 (Dec. 2017), 33–47.

