Geo-economic content of international conflicts


  • Volodymyr ONYSCHENKO Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics



globalization,, geo-policy,, geo-economy,, interests,, conflicts,, asymmetry of international relations.


BackgroundThe problems of economic and trade disputes and conflicts cannot be considered outside the understanding of geo-economic strategies of key players in the world policy and economy, whose actions are caused not only by conflicts among themselves, but also by their allies, that is, international conflicts become geo-economic and global.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The leading politicians and economists of the world are actively engaged in the problems of the interconnection of the world economy, international trade, geo-economy and geo-policy with the emergence and development of international conflicts. There are the following Ukrainian experts among them: O. Bilorus, O. Vlasiuk, A. Halchynskiy, V. Horbulin, D. Lukyanchenko, Iu. Pakhomov, A. Poruchnyk, V. Sidenko, A. Filipenko and others. However today a new outline of international problems around Ukraine has been formed, it is involved in a number of geo-economic conflicts, which needs an adequate response to real and possible threats.
The aim of the article is to clarify the nature of international conflicts in the methodological discourse of geo-economy.
Materials and methods. Research materials were provided by the works of domestic and foreign specialists.
ResultsIt has been determined that: the international conflicts are the natural state of international relations, including economic ones; the basis of the conflicts emergence and development is the asymmetry of international relations, as their objective, stable characteristic; the majority of conflicts are of geo-economic nature and are produced by leading players in the world economy and politics. It has been alleged that, in addition to the economic war, the geo-economic conflict may be reduced to a cooperative game model with a positive sum. It has been determined that the human capital and innovations are the strategic geo-economic resource of the international relations subject. The assessment of geo-economic strategies of the USA, the EU, China, Russia and Ukraine has been made.
Conclusion. The economic policy of Ukraine should be as balanced as possible, multivariate, with a broad horizon for predicting the possible consequences at different variants of the European and Eurasian geopolitical and geo-economic situation.

Author Biography

Volodymyr ONYSCHENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Economics, professor at the Department of International Economic Relations
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


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How to Cite

ONYSCHENKO В. 2019. Geo-economic content of international conflicts. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 103, 2 (Apr. 2019), 20–35. DOI:

