Professional identity as a sign of a special crime subject




special subject of crime, professional qualities, official position, personality of the criminal


Background. In recent years, professional crime has become a particular public danger. Therefore, the issues related to the peculiarities of criminal responsibility of persons who committed crimes related to their professional affiliation, profession, skills, abilities, etc., are of particular relevance
Analysis of recent research and publications. Questions of criminal responsibility of special subjects of a crime were studied in the theory of criminal law at the present stage of development by such scientists as D. V. Baranenko, A. S. Osadchey and others.
The aim of this article is to establish the impact of the presence of professional skills, abilities and official or other professional powers on the criminal responsibility of the special subject of the crime.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of this article is a number of General scientific, special criminal law and criminological methods. The materials used were the latest work in the field under study, the existing legal acts and criminological conceptual apparatus.
Results. Based on the definition of the essence of social status as a criterion that defines the subject of the crime as a special, one of them is professional affiliation-profession, skills, abilities that a person owns and that she uses during the Commission of the crime. This causes a public danger of crimes, as well as persons who commit crimes using their professional qualities.
Conclusion. The availability of professional qualities and availability of the necessary resources, certain power, official or other governing powers, which are used as leverage over others, increases the chances of criminals to commit the desired criminal acts and / or obtain the desired criminal result.

Author Biographies

Viktor NIKITENKO, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Associate Professor
at the Department of General Law Disciplines

Anna LANDINA, nstitute of State and Law of V. M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, senior research officer
at the Department of Criminal Law, Criminology and Judicial system issues I


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How to Cite

NIKITENKO В. and LANDINA А. 2019. Professional identity as a sign of a special crime subject. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 106, 5 (Oct. 2019), 117–124. DOI:

