Public control as a legal form of interaction between the state and society
legal nature, state, society, public control, participation in the management of public affairsAbstract
Background. The speed and efficiency of reforming all major spheres of social life, the adaptation of national legislation to European Union law depend on many factors, among which the legitimacy of public authority, which can be secured, in particular, through the establishment of public relations, is crucial. One form of such communication is public control, which is not only a necessary element of civil society, but also a clear manifestation of the constitutional thesis that power in the country comes from the people.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the research is general scientific and special methods, in particular: dialectical, structural-logical, systemic, logical-semantic, methods of classification and grouping, comparative-legal method and method of scientific abstraction. These methods were applied in conjunction with common logical methods and techniques.
Results. The basic approaches to the definition of the term «legal nature» are analyzed and the criteria for its definition are clarified. A distinction is made between public control and related concepts. The relation between the concepts of «public control» and «participation in the management of public affairs» is revealed.
Conclusion. The author's vision of the concept of "legal nature of public control" is grounded, which not only brings clarity on the level of legal science, but also allows to determine the way of legal regulation of relevant social relations. It seems that this will improve the mechanisms of interaction between the state and society.
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