Ukraine in free trade zone with the European Union



economic integration, the association agreement, free trade zone, exports, imports, foreign investment, global production networks


The first year of the DCFTA is analyzed, identifying the prospects and drawbacks in the main socio-economic areas of its implementation. The state of international trade relations between Ukraine and the EU is examined, and the factors influencing it are determined. Problems in Ukraine’s economy, which prevent the possible benefits of the DCFTA from manifesting, are identified; the possibilities of implementing the main benefits of integrating Ukraine and the EU in practice are determined. The necessity of developing a long-term strategy for Ukraine’s economic development while taking into account the main stages and deadlines of implementing the DCFTA is proven.

Author Biography

Ganna DUGINETS , Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Economics, Doctoral Student at the Department of International Economics


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How to Cite

DUGINETS , G. 2017. Ukraine in free trade zone with the European Union. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 90, 1 (Feb. 2017), 32–41.

