Virtual franchising tourism networks of the world



virtual tourist network, franchising virtual network, franchising agreement, internet commerce, online platform, world market for tourist services


Background. Our present is characterized by the rapid development of information technologies that directly and indirectly affect the everyday life. Therefore, every successful company, which directs its activities to outsource competitors by prematurely meeting the needs of customers and creating an innovative product, is required to actively use an online platform to offer and promote a product or service to the market.
The popularity of tourism as one of the spheres of economic activity, which is associated with most types of economy and capable of providing jobs, responding rapidly to constant changes in the needs of consumers, promoting the image of the country in the world, is increasing yearly. The global trend of tourism business development is their association in the franchising system and the provision of services on the Internet.
At the same time, the imitation of such a tendency for Ukrainian tourism business is hampered by certain problems. This is due, firstly, to the lack of a legislative framework on the conceptual apparatus of franchising, the regulation of franchising relations in Ukraine and its non-compliance with international standards. Secondly, there are gaps in the state regulation of the sphere of Internet services.
Accordingly, it is advisable to investigate and analyze the global trends in the development of franchising tourist networks in the virtual space in order to identify the main advantages and disadvantages of their functioning and expediency of development in the domestic market of services.
The aim of the studyis analysis of the development of virtual franchising tourist networks in the world market of services, revealing the main advantages and disadvantages of their functioning.
Materials and methods. The methodological basis of scientific research was statistical and graphical methods, which in combination allowed analyzing the dynamics of the use of information technology in general and the operation of virtual franchising tourist networks in the world market of services. The basis for research was the work of domestic and foreign scholars and Internet sources.
Results. The development of business in the global Internet in different regions of the world is explored; the regular promotion of the use of virtual space for the development of tourist networks, in particular, on the terms of franchising relations, was revealed; the analysis of activity of the main virtual tourist networks on the world market of services was conducted in order to determine the advantages and disadvantages of their functioning.
Conclusion. In a highly competitive, fast changing needs of consumers and unstable economic conditions, the tourism market requires businesses adaptive steps, including creation of new businesses that are timely respond to the continued volatility of the environment and be able to compete in the battle for the consumer due to the high flexibility with the smallest investment and financial risks, as well as customer satisfaction in a shorter period than the traditional way of doing business. Such business structures can be virtual tourist enterprises, united in the system of franchising relations.

Author Biography

Tetyana TKACHUK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

PhD in Economics, assistant of Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business
of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics 


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How to Cite

TKACHUK Т. 2018. Virtual franchising tourism networks of the world. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 96, 1 (Feb. 2018), 72–85.

