Luxury-service in the world hotel service market




luxury-service, luxury hotel, VIP-client, luxury segment, hotel business stakeholders, hotel brand, luxury hotel services, world hotel services market, STR-classification., luxury-сервіс, елітний готель, VIP-клієнт, люкс-сегмент, стейкхолдери готельного бізнесу, готельний бренд, розкішні готельні послуги, світовий ринок готельних послуг, STR-класифікація.


The development of luxury service in the international arena of hotel business is investigated and the key elements of its successful functioning are determined. The world luxury hotel brands are analyzed by categories according to the STR classification and the main criteria for choosing a hotel product (service) by a VIP client are identified in order to identify and analyze the trends of luxury service development in the global hotel services market.

Author Biography

Tatiana TKACHUK, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
at the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business


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How to Cite

TKACHUK, T. (2020). Luxury-service in the world hotel service market . oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 109(2), 85–96.

