Ethical normsin the activities of public service entities
public service, the subject of public service, principles of activity, ethical behavior, rules, norms.Abstract
Background. The choice of the topic of the article is dictated by the presence of significant theoretical problems and the need to improve the understanding and legal definition of the principle and rules of ethical behaviorin the activities of public service entities in Ukraine.
The aim of the article is to obtain new scientific results in the form of substantiated conclusions and proposals for solving current theoretical, applied and legal problems of determining the principle and rules of ethical behaviorin the activities of public service entities in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The empirical basis of the study were legal acts of legislation of Ukraine and some other countries, scientific works of other scholars in the field of administrative law. Thanks to a combination of general scientific and special methods of cognition it was possible to process the specified empirical material and to receive own scientific conclusions.
Results. It is noted that there is no clear definition and common understanding of the concept of the principle of ethical conduct of public service entities in the Ukrainian legislation. It is stated that the normative consolidation of ethical norms for different categories of public service entities in Ukraine takes place mainly at the by-law level and has a sectoral nature. It is established that the terms «principle of ethical conduct» and «rules of ethical conduct» are interdependent concepts, but not identical.
Conclusion. According to the results of the research, the author’s vision is given to the concepts of «principle of ethical behavior» and «rules of ethical behavior». It is emphasized that the provisions of the Codes of Ethics or the Code of Ethics should also include requirements that would regulate the conduct of the public service entity in the off-hours. The necessity of unification of basic principles of public service in profile laws is substantiated, which should be reflected in general provisions of branch Rules and Codes of ethics together with special norms which will embody specificity of this or that public activity.
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