Civil protection of the population under martial law
civil protection of the population, national security, fund of protective structures, organizational and legal measures, rapidly constructed protective structure, air alarm.Abstract
Rocket attacks on civilian objects by the enemy pose a significant threat to the population of Ukraine. The aim of this article is to determine the current state of civil protection of the population in the country and its individual regions (on the example of Kryvorizhzhia), substantiating the scientific and theoretical foundations and developing some organizational and legal recommendations for its urgent improvement in wartime conditions. The analysis of existing risks and threats allows us to make an assumption that one of such measures may be the spread of the practice of installing quick-build protective structures of civil protection within the boundaries of ground public transport stops and other places of significant crowding. By testing this hypothesis, using a combination of general scientific and special methods, it was established that the state of provision of certain territories of our country (in particular, Kryvorizhzhia) with civil protection structures, based on existing needs, is not satisfactory, which negatively affects the strategically important component of national state security - the state of civil protection of the population. The conducted research made it possible to substantiate the feasibility of further spreading the practice of installing quickly constructed protective structures (modular type) in places of constant crowding of people, mainly within the limits of ground public transport stops (especially in large cities) in order to protect the population. In addition, it was found out that during the development of the list of places to equip them with protective structures, it is necessary to take into account a number of criteria, in particular: the characteristics of passenger traffic at individual stops, the number of routes and units of route vehicles that pass through these stops, the absence of other protective structures nearby (dual purpose objects); the relative proximity of the location of objects that are of strategic importance and may be of interest to the enemy (as a military targetі for destruction), etc. To increase the effectiveness of these structures during their active use: first, it is their clear identification by citizens even in an unfamiliar area among other permanent and temporary architectural structures; secondly, the availability of information about the locations of civil defence facilities in the settlement; thirdly, proper maintenance of these buildings and their use for their primary purpose, etc.
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