


energy security, gas, oil, electrical energy, atomic energy, renewable energy sources, energy transition, European integration.


In the conditions of armed aggression against Ukraine, ensuring energy security becomes an important object of state policy. This requires constant and well-coordinated management in order to ensure the energy independence of the country and the reliable operation of the infrastructure, which directly affects the functioning of the economy and the lives of citizens, and determines the need for constant research on changes in the energy markets of Ukraine and Europe, which from the point of view of economic, social and energy integration with the EU is a very urgent task. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to study the current state of the Ukrainian energy industry for the justified choice of tools and implementation of the energy policy of Ukraine, strategic planning in the field of energy security. The research was conducted using the methods of generalization, analysis and synthesis, comparison, scientific abstraction and systemati­zation. It was established that as a result of the military aggression in Ukraine, there was a regrouping of flows in the world energy market – the energy system of Europe is being transformed, expanding its sources and strengthening its integration with the LNG market. In addition, decisive measures related to the consumption, supply and storage of natural gas and fiscal relief measures aimed at supporting national enterprises and households have been taken at the EU level. During the full-scale invasion, the russian federation has already destroyed 30-40% of renewable energy sources in the southern and southeastern regions of Ukraine. In February 2023, Ukraine temporarily lost 44% of its nuclear generation, 75% of thermal power plants, and 33% of block thermal power plants. In the conditions of permanent risks of mass rocket fire, energy with a high level of stability is needed. The Ukrainian energy system showed itself as such: in war conditions, its operation was preserved, it was synchronized with ENTSO-E, and electrical energy supplies to the EU began. Conclusions have been made about the need at the international level to further limit the import of russian energy sources and the collapse of prices for energy products, and at the national level – urgent reforms of the coal industry and the spread of decentralized energy and energy self-sufficient regions.

Author Biographies

Anatolii MAZARAKI, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Rector

Tetyana MELNYK, State University of Trade and Economics

Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of International Management 


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How to Cite

MAZARAKI А., & MELNYK Т. (2024). ENERGY SECURITY OF THE COUNTRY. oreign rade: onomics, inance, aw, 133(2), 4–29.

