Organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring EU migration security
security, migration, EU common immigration policy; Frontex, European Union.Abstract
Introduction. Modern security threats are becoming more and more widespread in the world, intensifying within the borders of the European Union. Migration is increasingly viewed through the prism of security in a particular country or even in the entire region, such as, for instance, European Union.
Problem. Ukraine’s European integration aspirations make it necessary to study the common immigration policy of the European Union through the prism of the organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring security in this area.
The aim of the study is to define the common immigration policy of the European Union through the prism of the organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring security in this area, as well as formulating proposals for its improvement.
Methods. The methods of legal analysis, historical, and systemic analysis are applied.
Results. The creation of the Schengen area with a common external border and no internal borders necessitated the adoption of EU supranational legislation, in particular to guarantee the security of this area. Since the Tampere Program in 1999, all five-year development plans have emphasized the security dimensions of migration. The Frontex agency was created to fulfill the goals of the EU’s common immigration policy and to strengthen the protection of the EU’s external border. The introduction of data collection systems contributes to the identification of persons and early warning and prevention of threats.
Conclusions. In order to strategically reduce the risks associated with migration, it is important to strengthen the protection of the external border of the EU, intensify the control of the influx of citizens of third countries, and ensure an adequate integration policy. In particular, it is necessary to improve tools for data collection and processing, develop and implement new technologies for detecting illegal migrants, ensuring security at external and internal borders; improve integration policy. Only a comprehensive approach to improving the organizational and legal mechanism for ensuring migration security will help to cope with modern challenges and threats that may cause migration flows to the EU.
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