Post-war industrial modernization: internal and external resources




manufacturing industry, state policy, advanced technology, technological innovations, technology transfer.


Introduction. The Ukrainian industry does not have sufficient resources to respond to new threats, as a result, the country was not ready for either the COVID-19 pandemic or military aggression from russia, remaining dependent on the supply of strategic goods from abroad.

Problem. The absence of a purposeful state policy for the development of industry on an innovative basis makes it impossible to accelerate post-war recovery and structural changes in the Ukrainian economy. Decision making and problem solving require appropriate research.

The aim of the article is to identify the main conditions and policy mechanisms that contribute to the accelerated modernization of industry and the emergence of advanced technology industries.

Results. Over the past 20 years, the regulatory framework for regulating industrial activities in Ukraine has undergone significant changes (in parti­cular in the context of the implementation of EU legislation); but the adopted innovative development programs either remained on paper or, due to inadequate funding, did not achieve their goal. The contribution of medium- and high-tech industries to the Ukrainian economy has hardly changed and remains extremely low. The solution to the problem of developing advanced technology industries lies in the formation of a dualistic state policy and the creation of fundamental conditions for its implement­tation. This will ensure, on the one hand, the attraction of foreign technologies, and, on the other hand, the capacity building of existing and the creation of new high-tech enterprises.

Conclusions. Foreign investments and advanced technologies will accelerate the modernization of production processes and the release of new goods in Ukraine; however not only the scale of their involvement is important. The extent to which foreign investment and technology is integrated into national development plans is critical. Therefore, setting priorities and strengthening the role of the state in their implementation will prevent the dissipation of funds (including foreign donors) for post-war reconstruction and focus capital formation in industries that will ensure high multiplier effects in the economy.

Author Biographies

Oleg KREKHIVSKYI, Secretariat of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

PhD (Physics and Mathematics), Senior Desk Officer

Olena SALIKHOVA, State Organization «Institute for Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine»

Doctor of Science (Economics), Leading Researcher


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How to Cite

KREKHIVSKYI О. and SALIKHOVA О. 2022. Post-war industrial modernization: internal and external resources. Foreign trade: economics, finance, law. 125, 6 (Dec. 2022), 83–104. DOI:

